

A3 Chair

The A3 Chair in Leather Innovation at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) is the result of integrating the activities and facilities of the AIICA Technology Centre (Association for Research in Leather and Related Industries) with the Igualada School of Engineering (EEI), which is managed by CETI, associated with the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya and the Spanish Leather Chemists Association (AQEIC), and has the institutional support of the Igualada Council.

The A3 Chair in Leather Innovation is an internationally renowned technological partner of the Igualada Leather Cluster. It develops projects that promote innovation, research and the application of new technologies in the leather sector, and it also offers training to researchers specialized in leather as well as tailor-made training courses for companies

Cátedra A3 Leather Innovation